mbie’s head, so I had this confidence. And I didn’t take the layer of armor it was wearing seriously. The zombie’s skin was like steel. I could even split this layer of skin, let alone this thin layer of iron.

mbie’s head, so I had this confidence. And I didn’t take the layer of armor it was wearing seriously. The zombie’s skin was like steel. I could even split this layer of skin, let alone this thin layer of iron.
/However, when the golden light hit the armor, something unexpected happened! I only saw a flash of light, and the sword turned into golden light was actually blocked by the opponent’s armor. At the same time, a layer of green light lit up on the armor!
“How is that possible?” After landing, I distanced myself from the zombies on the opposite side, but I was really surprised.
“It seems that your little trick doesn’t work anymore.” Zhao Liang sneered.
I squinted my eyes, and sure enough there was a big problem with this armor!
Green light was released from the armor, and at the same time it blocked the golden aura I shot out. I thought Zhaoliang would not do unnecessary things before, but now it seems that I was right.
“The armor your zombie is wearing is not simple!”
Zhao Liang smiled and said: “It’s a pity that I didn’t kill you with the two swords just now, but I hereby assert that within ten moves you will definitely become my precious zombie. The first soul to be killed by the sword.”
I didn’t answer. There was no point in arguing with him at this time. It was better to think more about how to kill this zombie. I squinted my eyes and took a closer look at the armor on the zombie in front of me. It looked new, but the material didn’t look like metal. At first, I blindly thought it should be metal. But now when I look at it, I realize that I was wrong. But it’s not like bones or wood. It was normal for ancient people to use wood or bones to make armor. But this zombie is obviously not wearing ordinary armor. The material looks more like skin or scales.
Think of this. I frowned slightly and said, “You are made of monster scales, right?”
Zhaoliang smiled but said nothing. With this smile, I knew that I was right. I have dealt with a lot of monsters and beasts in the past few years, and it seems that my hard work has paid off.
I took over a few orders earlier, and the buyers wanted some special monster scales. I was still puzzled at that time. You said it’s normal that the skins of monsters and earth beasts are useful, but why would anyone want the scales? After I got the goods, I sent them to someone and asked about them, and then I found out what was going on.
The scales of some earth beasts are very suitable for engraving spells. These spells are equivalent to small barriers, and their abilities are not strong or relatively simple. They are making a special magic weapon, something like armor. At first, they used the bones and skins of monsters, but the market price of such things was too high and it was difficult to get good quality goods due to the high demand. Secondly, there are not many spells engraved on a piece of skin or a bone, and the linkage is not strong. So they began looking for something to replace it, and soon settled on scales. The scales of several specific monsters or