ng on his side was getting stronger and stronger. The weirdos on the ground screamed one by one. Then the old monster flew out into the woods behind, and the weirdos followed closely and swarmed towards him. Run wildly.

ng on his side was getting stronger and stronger. The weirdos on the ground screamed one by one. Then the old monster flew out into the woods behind, and the weirdos followed closely and swarmed towards him. Run wildly.
I stayed on the tree without showing my head and didn’t dare to make a sound. I saw most of the weirdos followed the old monster away and then turned back to look at the ground. The remaining two weirdos were guarding the suspicious stone box.
I pursed my lips. The appearance of these two dark-skinned weirdos was different from the other weirdos I saw. The body is bigger, the murderous aura is stronger, and the combat power is obviously extraordinary.
But if I don’t go down now, my situation will be even more dangerous when the other weirdos come back later. At that moment, my heart suddenly changed, and I jumped down from the tree.
The sound of landing alerted the two guards. These two big guys immediately set their eyes on me. I said, “I just want to see what’s in the stone box. There’s no harm in it.”
But it was obvious that these two guys didn’t mean to have a serious discussion with me. As soon as I finished speaking, one of them pointed at me. Pounced over. The weapon in his hand was obviously used by hunters in the mountains. It was something similar to a steel fork. One fork stabbed at me. I cleverly avoided it and another weirdo came up from behind. He waved a huge net cover with his hand and put it under his head.
There was a kind of gladiator in ancient Rome who used fishing nets and harpoons as tools. It sounds silly, but it was actually very effective in combat. Fishing nets that trap people will restrict their mobility. At the same time, the sense of direction will disappear when you are caught in a fishing net, and you will be dizzy for a second or two and let others take advantage of you.
This fighting method is obviously not unique to ancient Roman gladiators. One of them holds a steel fork and the other wields a fishing net. They work very well together. As soon as I dodged the fishing net, the steel fork hit my back. I hurriedly avoided. But the steel fork still grazed his skin, and a bloody mouth instantly appeared.
/“Damn it.” I cursed and slapped my palm on the ground, subconsciously trying to activate the earth element. But there was no movement on the ground. My breath was clearly penetrated into the ground, but the spell was not successful.
My expression suddenly changed. How could this happen? Now I am as accustomed to controlling this simple Five Elements spell as drinking water and eating. But when the spell failed, the sudden change made me stunned, and then a big net came down from the top of my head, trapping my whole body in it. Seeing that another weirdo was coming to kill me with a steel fork, in desperation and at this critical moment, I tried to use my breath to urge the flame on my hand to light the fishing net. What he didn’t expect was that the flame on his hand didn’t even burn. There was just a trace of sparks. There was no fire for a long time