tional Organization for Standardization. Their charges are very, very cheap!”

tional Organization for Standardization. Their charges are very, very cheap!”
“It’s just a purchase after all.” Tongtong muttered on the side.
Zhao Song smiled and nodded: “That’s true. If there is no back-up plan, after this period of excitement, Tesla will only give people the impression of being opportunistic!” As he spoke, Zhao Song took out his mobile phone and turned on The content of the text message was shown to several people, “However, it is too early to draw conclusions now!”
“The latest news, the Tesla G5 keyboard with completely independent intellectual property rights has just won the German IF Design Award!”
Compared to fantasy Bearded, Zhao Song prefers his curvy beard.
He likes anyone who has feelings but is down-to-earth and puts them into practice.
Although the sentimental heart of this curvy bearded man is a bit perverted.
Carrying out a secondary design based on Zhao Song’s description, two senior ergonomics designers, 12 other highly educated bending designers, 244 drafts, countless material comparisons, two additional investments, and it took 40 days. Finally, we have made this G5!
With its mesmerizing arc, crystal clear crystal base, and beautiful appearance with no blind spots in the entire field of view, even if you turn it upside down and look at the bottom, you can still find the exquisiteness and care in every detail.
“Known as the “Oscars of product design”, the German iF Design Award (iF) is the ancestor of other design competitions. With more than 65 years of experience, the iF Design Award competition is known for its recognition of design excellence, product innovation and global excellence. Known for attention and promotion, judged by a jury of more than 50 independent experts from around the world, the competition received more than 5,000 submissions from more than 70 countries, making iF extremely competitive!
According to
According to the official list of winners released by iF, among the 8 products that have won gold awards, Tesla G5 is the only product from a florist. At the same time, it is also the first florist product to win this award! The real-time news on major portals released this news, and the Internet suddenly became abuzz.
“The Olympic Games are in full swing, and the flower gardeners are reporting good news frequently! However, Tesla, a private company, has finished advertising and issued patents, and has competed in the Americas and Europe. The limelight is not weak at all!”
“Haha, what you said above is right, I I thought Tesla would stop for a while without the two advertising spots, and I felt quite disappointed. Unexpectedly, people were no longer satisfied with hiding in the advertising space, and they directly targeted the front page headlines. ”
“Who knows what G5 is? What does it look like?”
/“Go to the official website upstairs, Tesla has already released it. It’s so fucking beautiful!”
“Full-key rollover, adjustable response delay, and keyboard speed adjustment. This is just a popular choice. The Counter-Strike is a ta