n Frozen. As for the inferior ones, they are temporarily sealed!”

n Frozen. As for the inferior ones, they are temporarily sealed!”
“Boss!” Everyone behind him looked at Zhao Song in confusion, why did he do the opposite to others? ?
/Not every cup of milk is called Delun… Oh, Mengniu is still in the county seat. Zhao Song turned around and said seriously: “Not every product can be marked with Tesla’s LOGO! No one loves domestic consumers, we do!”
When did you become so great? Everyone looked at Zhao Song blankly.
“What should I do with inferior products? After all, there is no problem with their quality!” Shi Ming looked at each other in confusion and then asked.
“There is a place to go, and it will be solved in the near future.”
That’s what I said! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After walking out of Factory No. 1, Gui Luyang had already been waiting for a long time.
Zhao Song nodded and looked at the busy scene in the large open space in the distance.
Hundreds of construction machinery are working intensively, the roar of excavators and bulldozers is deafening, and heavy trucks shuttle back and forth, sending up billows of smoke and dust.
“The general framework of Factory No. 7 has been laid, and Puhui Company’s dust-free construction can proceed seamlessly. It is expected that starting from one month later, we will have a factory of the same size put into use every month!”
“Really fast!” Zhao Song praised.
“Boss!” Gui Luyang said with a mixture of laughter and tears: “That’s because we are willing to spend money. The construction company has never seen Party A who pays as readily as we do. They wish they could work for us in three shifts!”
Zhao Song said He twitched his lips, and then emphasized: “You must pay attention to safety in production, keep an eye on me!”
Gui Luyang nodded in agreement seriously.
“By the way, is there no cemetery underground?” Zhao Song asked curiously.
Glancing at Zhao Song, he found that his attention was not here. Gui Luyang smiled and said, “No, there is nothing.”
Even if there is, there is nothing!
“There is no best!” Zhao Song nodded with satisfaction, then glanced at Gui Luyang and asked nonchalantly: “Are there many workers in Miyun in the factory?”
Gui Luyang replied without hesitation: “79. ”
That’s good.” Zhao Song nodded, and then said with a hint of confusion: “Starting from tomorrow, we can let them come to the factory half an hour later.”
“Don’t they have a shuttle bus?”
“What?” Gui Luyang looked at Zhao Song confused. She understood all the words, but she didn’t understand anything at all .
“H, ao, hao! Pick! Just pull out some saplings to green the factory area.”
How much digging do you have to do! Gui Luyang looked at Zhao Song in disbelief.
“The green space plan has been completed. We can’t use the poplars and willows. The catkins are annoying, so pick some expensive ones. No one cares about them in the mountains anyway.”
“Where’s the grass?”
“I heard that the one in front of the district government is imported. Let’s sneak here to cultivate him?”