lapse of the Internet bubble. Xiaosi had naturally heard about it, nodded and asked him in surprise: “Will your reality show continue to be broadcast? I watched it back then. However, it is very popular in Japan! When the Miss Dolores episode was broadcast, one of my friends cried and said that he seemed to have lost his love.” Han

lapse of the Internet bubble. Xiaosi had naturally heard about it, nodded and asked him in surprise: “Will your reality show continue to be broadcast? I watched it back then. However, it is very popular in Japan! When the Miss Dolores episode was broadcast, one of my friends cried and said that he seemed to have lost his love.” Han
Xuan smiled and Han Xuan shrugged innocently and said, “This is not me. It’s my fault.”
Anya also laughed and said: “It’s also not my fault. Before the shooting that day, he didn’t even tell me that he would come over. I was shocked when I saw him in class. Xueshan Middle School is a girls’ school, and he is our The only male classmate in the class.”
Xiao Si continued: “I have watched that episode, and your expression is really wonderful.”
/After saying hello, they chatted about their recent lives. Needless to say, Han Xuan and Anya are still the same. As usual, Xiao Si is in school, and today she went to Dimens Film Group for an internship during the summer vacation. As a newcomer who has been promoted by Dimensions Pictures and has full potential, the senior management of the company who met her during the filming of the movie, Naturally, she would not refuse her request for a job opportunity.
The chat was filmed, but not all of it will be broadcast. Her appearance slightly disrupted the shooting plan conceived by Ms. Victoria, but the plot of Han Xuan meeting an old friend made the trip even better.
Xiao Si’s classmates were still waiting not far away. There were four men and two women in total. They might have been instigated by someone. At this time, they came together like them. Graduating from the University of Southern California does not necessarily mean their future prospects. If everything goes smoothly, they are more likely to become ordinary ordinary people. The knowledge learned in college only gives them a skill, and academic qualifications do not mean anything.
Han Xuan smiled politely and said, “Amy? Who are these?”
Nishino Si introduced him one by one. Including her, there were seven people in total, all members of the crew. When introducing the last young man, he told Han Xuan Said: “This Jerry Rubin is a talented person on our team. He is actually a student in the Department of Computer Science. He is currently preparing to start a business like you.”
This young man was not old, and his face turned red when he heard Xiao Si’s words. He didn’t think he could achieve such high achievements like Han Xuan. He stretched out his hand and stammered: “Hello, Han! I’m really, really excited. I’m your fan!”
Hello.” Han Xuan also stretched out his hand and asked with interest: “What kind of entrepreneurship are you planning to engage in?”
the young man Rubin said sheepishly: “That is actually a company founded by my uncle. He plans to create a new operating system based on the open source code of Linux, called Android. I I was just helping out, not really starting a business. He gave me 2% of the shares and asked me to convince my parents to lend him an unuse