n he mentioned this matter. He waved his hand and said, “Don’t mention it, where are you going to school ? , sleeping and making trouble every day. Fortunately, he already knows a lot of English, at least he is not illiterate, and he can do simple arithmetic. I don’t plan to go to class, so I asked him to go to the resort to help, doing everything, but he can’t calm down. I should be in Help drive the dog sled. Anyway, it’s much better than before. I know what modern society is like, but I still like to hunt. Last time I caught the macaw in our ranch and said that the roast was delicious. It almost made me angry. “

n he mentioned this matter. He waved his hand and said, “Don’t mention it, where are you going to school ? , sleeping and making trouble every day. Fortunately, he already knows a lot of English, at least he is not illiterate, and he can do simple arithmetic. I don’t plan to go to class, so I asked him to go to the resort to help, doing everything, but he can’t calm down. I should be in Help drive the dog sled. Anyway, it’s much better than before. I know what modern society is like, but I still like to hunt. Last time I caught the macaw in our ranch and said that the roast was delicious. It almost made me angry. ”
Hearing his father’s words, Han Xuan vaguely guessed the secret of the sharp decline in the number of macaws in the Amazon rainforest. This is the largest species of parrot in the world. It usually likes to live in groups, with the number of a group ranging from ten to thirty. around, more during the breeding season.
/A bird that weighs one pound should have a lot of meat on its body. Even though macaws are smart, they are actually quite stupid. They often go to cowboys’ houses to find food, and they are even caught by raccoons and washed in the water. , prepared as food.
In front of the primitive tribesmen in the Amazon primeval forest who are proficient in hunting skills, often after finding a group, most of the entire group of macaws will be captured, otherwise Puluotuo’s grandfather would not have a certain colorful and huge head. Crowned.
Han Xuan was speechless. Although Pulutuo had been in modern society for a long time, that guy had missed the best period of education. Many things had become a habit. Those beautiful big parrots that everyone loved in the pasture were in the past. In his eyes, it may be equated with “food”.
“What happened to the macaw in the end? Was it really roasted by him?”
“That’s not true.” Han Qianshan shook his head and told: “That was his prey, so Old John used a fire weapon that was larger and had more meat. The chickens were successfully exchanged for macaws from him, and he was prohibited from catching them.”
Han Xuan nodded suddenly, shrugged and jokingly said to his father: “Macaws are not as good as turkeys, no wonder the natives are poor and have no business at all. I heard that in the beginning, a glass bottle could be exchanged for a bag of diamonds of the same weight from Grandpa Puluotuo. It seems that Puluotuo’s generation still inherited the wisdom of their ancestors.” The cowboys are very happy
. Send a dozen snowmobiles quickly.
The bodyguards must also follow, but the number is too small. In this snowy and icy weather, snowmobiles are the best means of travel besides helicopters, and the ranch purchased a lot of them.
Han Xuan drove the car himself and followed Anya in the convoy. For them, this was also an interesting winter experience project. Tourists need to spend one hundred and ninety US dollars to rent a three-hour rental, which will be driven by a coach. Take them on a designated route to visit the ranch and Flathead Forest Park.