, the halo that formed the full moon seemed to have lost some kind of power or restraint, and suddenly split into thousands of fragments, like Arrows from the string usually shoot out in all directions.

, the halo that formed the full moon seemed to have lost some kind of power or restraint, and suddenly split into thousands of fragments, like Arrows from the string usually shoot out in all directions.
Looking at the death zone with a diameter of five kilometers, Liu Fei showed a dull look on his face.
He underestimated his own power.
Originally, Liu Fei believed that the aperture struck by his fist could at most destroy the successfully integrated alien warship. He did not realize at all that it would have catastrophic consequences for the “friendly” aliens.
At this time, the overwhelming aliens began to escape from Liu Fei’s surroundings. With Liu Fei as the core, there was no alien in the diameter of ten kilometers.
Ten kilometers away in diameter, the number of aliens is increasing, as if thick dark clouds are rolling in the sky.
The battle between the aliens and the alien mechas is not over yet. At this time, the alien mechas have transformed back into the form of battleships and are still rushing toward Liu Fei like crazy. However, they must overcome the aliens and be brave. Deadly interception.
Whether it was an alien battleship or an alien, they were all fighting lifelessly. Instead, Liu Fei took some time off and quietly suspended in space to watch the battle.
The current environment is so confusing that Liu Fei can’t find his target at all, because every alien warship is surrounded by countless aliens. From a distance, it looks like thick dark clouds being rolled over. Wrapped up in layers, if Liu Fei wants to take action, it will inevitably affect the overwhelming aliens.
As time goes by, the alien army grows larger and larger, and the airspace with a diameter of ten kilometers has been completely occupied by dense aliens.
The number of alien battleships is also increasing. They are rushing towards Liu Fei like crazy. However, it is difficult for them to get close to Liu Fei because there are too many aliens. Even if They can’t pass quickly even when flying in battleship form.
/The killing efficiency of small alien warships is obviously much higher than that of mechas. Unfortunately, with the continuous addition of the alien army, the huge number of aliens has become overwhelming.
The most important thing is that the levels of aliens are getting higher and higher.
/People discovered that at least twenty colorful aliens had appeared in the war zone. Although the killing power of these colorful aliens could not be compared with the killing efficiency of the colorful alien that transformed into a black ribbon at the beginning, compared with those ordinary aliens, that They are completely two concepts, because a single colorful alien is already capable of killing alien mechas, and it is very easy.
The airspace with a diameter of ten kilometers turned into a huge slaughterhouse. Every minute, hundreds of aliens died. Black meat, solidified blood and the wreckage of alien battleships filled every inch of the space. The space for free flight is getting smaller and smaller.
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