p several financial owners. Of course, they did not hurt their lives, but they used this as an excuse to demand compensation, and the price of compensation was more than 51% of their company. % of the shares, the situation in Hong Kong is very chaotic now. But I heard that your mother is involved, so I want to give you a heads up. If you want to go, I can arrange for you to go to Hong Kong now.”

p several financial owners. Of course, they did not hurt their lives, but they used this as an excuse to demand compensation, and the price of compensation was more than 51% of their company. % of the shares, the situation in Hong Kong is very chaotic now. But I heard that your mother is involved, so I want to give you a heads up. If you want to go, I can arrange for you to go to Hong Kong now.”
/I held the receiver and it turned out. The envelope they received before was genuine. It turned out that they were really in danger! Just when I was about to speak, a wave of bad breath suddenly surged in my heart. I pursed my lips and said, “No, their affairs have nothing to do with me.”
After that, I hung up the phone, paid for the tea and left. Fu Tea House.
After leaving the teahouse, I put my hands in my pockets and walked towards home. It’s far away from my home, but my thoughts are a bit messy and I want to take a walk to sort out the mess in my mind. to be honest. The moment I heard the news, I still had the urge to rush to Hong Kong, after all, it was the person who gave birth to me, but this urge disappeared in my heart for more than five seconds.
I’m not a fool. When she needs me, she uses all kinds of sweet words to deceive me. When she doesn’t need me, she doesn’t even have the urge to deceive me. Even though the blood she gave me is flowing in my body, I don’t want to go to Hong Kong. Since she said she doesn’t need me, she should be responsible for what she said.
As I walked through the intersection, there was a kindergarten in front of me. I saw many parents waiting at the door to pick up their children from school. After a while, the security guard came out, the iron door opened, and the teacher led the children out and went to find their parents.
Under the sunset, these children ran towards their mothers while laughing. I have never been treated like this since I was a child. If you don’t love me, why do you want to hurt me?
I smiled bitterly and saw a woman holding her daughter’s hand and walking forward slowly. As she walked, she said with a smile: “Mom cooked something delicious today.”
“Ah, okay, okay,” she said. The non-fluent child smiled and nodded.
The bitter smile on my face became even thicker. I never went to kindergarten. I have been walking home by myself since elementary school. The elementary school is not far from home. Later, I went home with Fatty and the others. In fact, I also look forward to one day being able to hold hands like this. Mother’s hand goes back.
“Forget it. It has nothing to do with me anyway.” He lit a cigarette, called a taxi, and returned home.
Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the door of my house, I saw a black car parked. I took a quick glance and saw that the driver’s face looked familiar. When I walked to the door again, the man standing next to the doorway suddenly bowed slightly to me and said, “Sir.”
/The voice was familiar, and I was startled. When I looked closely, the person standing in front of me was my mother’s housekeeper. His being he