hree times and bowed nine times to Zhou Jijun. In the blink of an eye, a large area fell to their knees behind Zhou Jijun, and there was no end in sight. The people only expressed their unspeakable gratitude to Zhou Jijun, but no one looked back to take another look at the lonely palace standing in the center of the city. .

hree times and bowed nine times to Zhou Jijun. In the blink of an eye, a large area fell to their knees behind Zhou Jijun, and there was no end in sight. The people only expressed their unspeakable gratitude to Zhou Jijun, but no one looked back to take another look at the lonely palace standing in the center of the city. .
“My master can live for more than ten thousand years.”
Qi Ling’er jumped up and down to Zhou Jijun, and the eight young star masters also gathered around him excitedly, looking at their young master who could drive ghosts and gods with admiration in his eyes.
Looking at Qi Ling’er and the young star masters who looked like bloody men, Zhou Jijun smiled happily. Just now, Zhou Jijun saw how they fought hard and refused to take a step back. Everyone under his disciples gradually grew up. Zhou Jijun was not weak back then and would definitely become his most trusted assistant in the future.
“Ling’er, take this man’s head to Tianwu Mountain.”
/“Oh, yes.”
Qi Ling’er touched his little head and soon figured out the purpose of Zhou Jijun’s move. He smiled happily and drew out his dagger. He cut off Bai Qi’s head, said nothing more, and flew towards Mount Tengo.
“Lian Zhen.”
“What are your orders, Master?”
A tough-looking young man emerged from the crowd. He has a stocky figure and a simple and honest face. But at a second glance, you will find that there is a faint emanation between his thick eyebrows. An unruly look.
“You take the Bai family army soldier talisman and go to the battlefield in eastern Henan to show off to the remnants of the Bai family army and spread the news of Bai Qishen’s death. Then…”
A look of hesitation appeared on Zhou Jijun’s face. He rubbed his eyebrows and then continued.
“You ask the commander-in-chief of the Northern Dynasty there to give 30,000 troops to Wu Sheng, just say it’s my wish, and then you, Zi Wei, Li Che’er and others will assist my little book boy to capture Yongzhou in one go.”
“Lian Zhen takes the order . ”
Star Master Lian Zhen was also a taciturn person and did not say much. He saluted Zhou Jijun to say goodbye, then drew out a long soft sword from his waist and drove more than ten horses towards the east of Henan, but he was thinking about it. Change horses midway.
“Li Tianji.” Zhou Jijun looked at the young man with the most indifferent expression, and said with a slight smile, “The imperial stone tablet you took from the capital a few days ago should be put to use. You need hundreds of craftsmen to work day and night to re-carve this stone tablet. More than a thousand copies were sent to Yangzhou.
“I accept the order,”
Li Tianji said, but he didn’t leave.
“What a clever Tianji Star Master, you know that I still have something to say.”
Zhou Jijun smiled casually. Among the twelve Star Masters under his command, his favorite was not Zi Wei with his leadership temperament, nor the charming and lovable Greedy. The wolf, but the young man in front of him. No matter how you look at it, he vaguely has a more outstanding tempe