te may be very unsafe. There are too many places along the way that may be attacked by monsters. Except for those who are off-duty, anyone who is entangled will have to shed their skin. .

te may be very unsafe. There are too many places along the way that may be attacked by monsters. Except for those who are off-duty, anyone who is entangled will have to shed their skin. .
I studied it again with Anderfa and reconfirmed a route.
“Let’s go from here. Apart from the previous one, there is only this one. Along the way are the rooms of the important crew members of the Dreadnought. The defense must be the tightest. There are very few places where the monster can penetrate.”
Anderfa pointed to the structure. Tu, expressed his opinion with a solemn expression.
Lin Yun looked at it and nodded.
It was indeed a lot safer to set foot on the newly chosen route. Although the vicious roar of the monster could be heard from time to time, the monster’s tentacle attack was never seen again.
At this level, we are very close to the captain’s room. The wide corridor is covered with alchemical runes, most of which are for strengthening defense. The doors of the rooms on both sides are all the same as those of the first mate’s room. Not only is there a physical door, there are also a large number of blessing spells solidified on the door, and there is even an advanced alchemy portal.
With these things, no matter what is in the room, nothing can pose a threat to everyone unless the door is opened.
Even that monster couldn’t infiltrate from the rooms on both sides without destroying the doors.
/Lin Yun walked at the front, carefully checking the alchemy runes on the floor, ceiling, and walls on both sides, for fear of touching any traps or counterattack formations.
Although there are dangers here, there are no sneak attacks by the tentacles. These are obviously alchemy formations that were added after the Dreadnought was built. Even most of them only have strengthening and defensive effects, so they do not pose a threat at all.
After walking three hundred meters, in the middle of a few people, an alchemy rune on the ground suddenly lit up, and dozens of flaming rays shot out in all directions like exploding fireworks.
Reina, who was closest, reacted the fastest, throwing five ice walls one after another. The ice walls pressed up like lids, forcibly suppressing the dozens of flame rays.
Lin Yun turned around and saw this scene, and his face darkened.
The rune that erupted with flaming rays was right next to Off-duty.
Off duty’s face turned pale with fright. A dozen flame rays erupted from a step away. No matter how strong his body was, he would still be burned to death.
“Mr. Merlin, it’s really not me. I really didn’t touch those things, and I don’t know what’s going on.”
Lin Yun said before that he must keep up. It’s best to step on every step. On his footprints, there are not many traps and counterattack alchemy circles here, but who knows what the personality of the owner of each room is.
It is not incomprehensible if someone likes to set up a large number of vicious traps outside their front door.
When I walked past just now, there was a dense security formation at the door of a room