twenty days or so, until suddenly an extremely terrible thing quietly happened. The ship sailed into a sea area with desolate seafood, and the fugitives The catch we harvested every day began to gradually decrease until it finally reached zero!

twenty days or so, until suddenly an extremely terrible thing quietly happened. The ship sailed into a sea area with desolate seafood, and the fugitives The catch we harvested every day began to gradually decrease until it finally reached zero!
“Still no fish took the bait. It has been three days and I haven’t been able to catch even the smallest sea lice. If this continues, all the bait will be eaten. , we can only wait to die.
Such complaints have been heard on deck frequently in recent days. After trying to stop it a few times at first, in order to prevent the sailors’ accumulated grievances from exploding at once and causing an irreversible situation, Anducci had already left it alone.
/But the roar of the sailors was vaguely heard in the cab. He had aged in just two months, and many captains couldn’t help but have worried expressions on their faces. He sighed and hunched his body. He turned around and looked at the pilot who had just finished observing the sea currents outside and asked: “Hano, the sailors are getting more and more irritable and desperate.
Hunger will make people crazy. If there is no more fish, I’m afraid that riots will happen soon.” It will happen. Have you found the reason why the fish are far away from us?”
“Captain, how many times have I said that it’s not that I can’t find the reason why the fish are far away from us, but there are too many reasons that can be found. We are sailing In the Hell Sea, any weird thing can happen.” Hanuo, who had many white hairs on his head, replied in a hoarse voice.
“Yes, we are sailing in the sea of ??hell, and we have been sailing for sixty-five days,” Anduqi was silent for a while, suddenly smiled bitterly, counted the shallow scratches on the rudder, and whispered: ” This is already a miracle. Since the gods are unwilling to give us more grace, maybe everything should be over…”
His words were full of despair, which also represented the suffering emotions of the vast majority of people on the wooden boat at this time. Only Zhang Lisheng, who occupied a cabin on the deck alone and was swinging back and forth in the hammock, felt disappointed at this time.
Chapter 427: Riots and Saviors
With his amazing eyesight, he looked out from the small circular window of the cabin at the three steam iron ships that were not much bigger than sesame seeds following the wooden ships. The conqueror of the Wuli tribe murmured in his mouth. Said: “Seeing that these land people are starving to death and still can’t find the shadow of Venice City, have I wasted more than two months in this way!
Now I see that among so many escapees, there is real value. There are only two people, Hanuo and Anduqi. They should be able to repair the damaged navigation chart, but the noble captain would rather die than submit to the hell barbarians. As for the Navigator, you are only half sure that you will succumb to me. It is too risky. If the Literature Museum continues like this, if Hano suddenly dies suddenly due to malnutrition and excessive brain exertion one day, it